Sunday, November 8, 2015

Tread Not American Flag Hoodies and Tee's, Just in Time for Christmas




Perfect for #Veterans #Cops #Dads #Grandpas #Firefighters, Great #ChristmasGift and order one size smaller to get them for women!! The hoodies are the best way to use the $3.00 coupon, better value code VALDOSTA to save. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Hard Time Bottle, FOR THE BROKEN HEARTED... Let's Make this one go Viral (Share if you can relate.)

This is literally one of the best songs I have ever made...

If you can relate to this song, if you have EVER had your heart broke... Like this on FACEBOOK, and RT this on twitter.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

All the hype about Blood Moons... What's it mean?

Share your opinion in the comments. 

In my opinion, it is not necessarily a sign of ending times, but just a change in outer-space, nothing stays the same forever. Not even earth. Look how our summers are getting hotter... winters getting colder. So there has to be other planets affected by whatever is going on in the stratosphere to create the changes that we feel and see here on earth. But the scientific facts are:
The scientific discovery of astronomy that have studied the behavior of the moon, declares that the atmosphere (which is the moral environment, the evil or divine presence that contains gases and emotional feelings) which surrounds and governs the earthly atmosphere in the Earth, seems to be affecting the appearance of the moon by turning the moon into a bloody red moon.
When the sun rays that comes from the sun light goes through the atmosphere of the Earth, they seem to carry with them the environment of gases, air, carbon dioxide that people breath out, emotions, and the pollution of the earth into the atmosphere of the moon, and when it reaches the moon, then the appearance of the moon turns into blood (red moon).

What's the bible say?
Joel 2:31 says; the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood. Revelation 6:12 says; ….And the sun became black as a sack cloth of hair and the moon became like blood.
James 3:6 says; the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets on fire the course of nature (the word nature means; the behavior and activities of men on earth that influences the physical universe, where the sun, moon stars and planets are).
Leviticus 18:6-28 says; because of sexual immorality, witchcraft, and evil customs that takes place on the Earth, that's why the land is defiled (releases gases that contains evil elements) and it vomits out its inhabitants.
In simple words this means that when human beings on Earth engage themselves into doing evil through the breaking of God's commandments, this corrupts the air and gases that are in the earthly realm, so that when the sun rays transports the environment (air, gases, scientific elements or atmosphere) of the Earth to the moon, then the moon turns into a red bloody moon
Genesis 1:14 & Psalm 104:19 says; that God appointed the moon for seasons, meaning that the moon was appointed by God and put into the universe to reveal the spiritual climate of the earth.
When the moon turns red this also spiritually symbolizes that the earth has aborted or rejected God's purpose in that season when the moon turns red, just like a woman who has just had a miscarriage or aborted a baby from her womb, releases blood from her private parts, so it is with the moon, it also turns red like blood to reveal that; human beings on earth have rejected God's ways and commandments on Earth.

50 Cent Says He Smashed Taraji P. Henson oooOOOhhhh

On the last episode of EMPIRE, Taraji P. Henson threw some SHADE at 50 Cent during a scene. In the scene, she called 50 - "THIRSTY." 

Well 50 lashed back at her. Early the next he released a video on Instagram. . . where he disclosed that he and Taraji had relations.
We spoke to someone CLOSE TO TARAJI . . . who told us that it's TRUE . . the two did DATE IN THE PAST.
You may recall 50 Cent ADMITTED his love for Taraji last spring, telling MTV News, "Taraji you fine motherf**** I’d be happy to date you one day. We might be together. How do you know this ain’t the love connection we’ve been waiting for," after she clapped back to 50 for him saying Empire was stolen from his show Power. Ah, you know, mad love is the sweetest!




Friday, September 25, 2015

Money is actually being made with this... I'm talking THOUSANDS

If you don't have $37 to invest in yourself, if your future is not worth $37, then stop reading this. This is valuable information and, you have to prove that you are serious to access it. It IS possible to earn at home, it IS possible to supplement your income. I should know, I have been doing it since I was 17, and I am 26 now.

It is for real. I am 26 years old, with a 5 year old, SOLELY working from home, and im SINGLE. That means living off one income and let me tell you, ITS ENOUGH. I make enough to pay for my sons speech therapy $400 per lesson, once a week), all household bills and I still have around $2k to spend however I want each and every month. Its a simple as learning, like grade school or college.. it's just KNOWING what methods work and which ones don't I decided to give Ewen a try because he offered to refund my $37. That $37 investment has been worth more than the whole $13,000 my parents spent on college. Congratulations to the 4 people that have started their course today. If you aren't worth $37 to yourself, then I'm sorry but you are leave money and practically a free hand up on the table. Who wants to be looking for a job when you can be a boss? The link at the bottom gets you into the course. Start tonight so you can start earning in the morning. Best choice of my life. 


But that’s not even the best part.
The best part is, with this system...

You won’t need a product.

You won’t need a website.

You won’t need a domain name - unless you want one.

You won’t need a hosting account

And the traffic? All of it will come “hands free”..

There are alot of systems out there that DON'T work, that's why I am so excited about this one. It DOES work as long as you do your part and follow the laid out directions. All the trial and error is done for you, Ewen has made MILLIONS off of these methods. I hope to one day be a millionaire, just like him.

We use a unique and somewhat  mysterious traffic source...

That will allow you to turn on all the free traffic you could ever want like a faucet...

Then all you need to do is aim that traffic flow to your “money pages’ and...boom!

You have an ATM online...

Watch out though, it’s going to happen fast.

In fact... you don’t realize it yet...

But if you stick with me... and follow my'll see how to earn!! Click here to get started.  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

iPhone 6S Launch Day TODAY!!

The iPhone 6s is the Sir Alex Ferguson of smartphones. It is Superman once the world’s been purged of kryptonite. It is a kebab you drunkenly ordered at 3am. It's LAUNCH DAY!!

 Win an iPhone 6iS

In other words: it is a surefire winner.
For Apple’s latest handset to not shift by the bucketload, Tim Cook would have had to have pledged allegiance to ISIS while unveiling it two weeks ago. The iPhone 6 was the world’s best-selling smartphone. As was the iPhone 5S.

So why innovate with the 6s? Apple doesn’t need to push smartphone tech forwards to make an obscene amount of money, they WILL profit even without advertising.
And yet Apple claims it has innovated, adding 3D Touch, a new 12-megapixel camera and the faster than ever A9 processor to what is already a supremely capable phone. With the iPhone 6s, they say they’ve finessed every aspect of an already great product. Not sat on their laurels or chased the bandwagon in a never-ending specs war.

On first glance, the 6s looks near-on identical to its predecessor. On every glance, in fact, little seems to have changed from the iPhone 6. Even when you get right up close and even inside its svelte aluminium casing you’ll find a screen with the same resolution and as little as 16GB internal storage.
Where does the truth lie? Find out Today because I will be staning in line at AT&T in a few hours for my 6S!! 

Keroc Righteous - Goin In - 2015!!! New Free Download


Conquer FEAR.

FEAR has two meanings:

Forget Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise.


GTA 5, for the Gamers


SCORE: 8/10 


GTA 5 is a blockbuster game that will please fans of the GTA series but doesn't have the same revolutionary feel that GTA 3 had when it was released a decade ago. The game looks and feels a lot like GTA 4 with a different approach to the story and some gameplay enhancements. The multiplayer mode, GTA Online, has a lot to offer and a lot of potential, but at release it was mostly unplayable and some problems persist. GTA 5 is a game worth playing, but it is not without its share of problems and shortcomings.


GTA 5 looks a lot like GTA 4. The characters look a little more detailed, the cars look a little shinier, and there is slightly more detail in the environments. It feels like there are more people in the streets, and the addition of wildlife makes the game feel more realistic. Despite those additions, as in all the GTA games since GTA 3, the city sometimes feels hollow and empty, like a movie set or theme park instead of a real city, because most of the buildings are there just for show and cannot be entered. While the trimmings of a city are all on display, there's no substance to most of them. 


Rockstar hasn't found a way to top the sound of GTA: Vice City. By taking popular hits from an era and making them part of the game environment, Vice City came to life and really felt like all of the gangster/mafia movies from which it derived. In GTA V, the music is almost completely ambient, and mostly comes from the radio stations in whatever vehicle you are driving. I recognized only a few of the songs that I heard, and none of it was good enough for me to listen to outside of the game (as compared to Vice City which made me crack open a few albums I hadn't listened to since I was a kid). Plenty of cutscenes could have benefitted from a more dynamic original soundtrack. The sound effects are fine, some sound recycled from previous GTA games. The acceleration and braking in the vehicles does sound especially good and makes getting behind the wheel of a sports car a lot of fun.


GTA 5 had a tough act to follow, with GTA 4 featuring a movie-quality storyline and a memorable main character in the anti-hero Niko Belic. Rockstar wisely chose to take a different approach entirely, coming up with a fresh story that features multiple main characters whose stories are intertwined in a main plot that develops over a longer period of time. It's a smart move that breaks from the example set by every other GTA game and adds much needed variety. It also makes sense from a gameplay perspective, because a game that prides itself on some measure of realism shouldn't have one character be an expert at everything and pulling off complex crimes alone.
The story moves too slowly, though, kind of like a movie that goes on for a half hour too long. It opens big, with an exciting bank heist that goes wrong, and then fast forwards a decade and slowly fills in the gaps piecemeal. While I really like the juxtaposed storytelling method, which reminds me of a Tarantino film that bounces from time to time instead of telling a linear story, it gets slowed down when Rockstar tries too hard to work missions into the plot. The story is fun and engaging, and the characters are generally interesting, but like a movie that goes on for too long, the game could have used more editing, and the ending was a little disappointing and anti-climactic. My favorite way to play is online, It is like Criminal Sims in HD.

Don't want to buy it? Click Here to Try it first, Game fly is offering it for FREE, or for $5.95 if you don't want the free trial. The Netflix of Gaming 

Aw, here it goes!!

Do you remember Kenan and Kel?
-Silly question, of course you do. "Aw, here it goes!" Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell were among the original cast members of the popular Nickelodeon sketch-comedy series "All That" when they received their own sitcom in 1996. Set in Chicago, the hilarious show follows the kid-friendly misadventures of two high-school friends who are always scheming and dreaming. Kenan, who works at a grocery store, constantly devises crazy plans to strike it rich, while orange-soda-loving buddy Kel is always dragged along for the ride despite his track record for messing things up.

I don't know about you but this was one of my alltime favorite shows as a kid! You can still catch up with Kel on twitter Kel Mitchell (@Iamkelmitchell) 

What are some of your favorite episodes of Kenan and Kel? Watch the guys reunite for a Good Burger Sketch below!!

Purchase this cool Tee for only 20.99, email me at to order, Etsy page coming soon!!  

Who am I?

I am Keroc Righteous, Yes I spell it many ways, it depends on how I'm feeling. I am a 26 year old rapper/singer/songwriter who is also internet savvy, with a love of marketing. I will be bringing you updates on the hottest products, from electronics, to weight loss.

From time to time, I will be bringing you products of which I will only sell a limited amount of. Having what everyone else has in not fleeky. So there will be limits of 5 to ten when I have products for sale.

You will know What's On Fleek this Week!! I have been in the music field for about 13 years, I have
been in the field of sales an product knowledge for 8 years. My favorite things in this world are my 5 year old, fashion, electronics and music.

You can find me on facebook by searching Keroc Righteous, then again maybe you can't. I am sometimes a private person, so if you really want to be On Fleek, notate my email address.

You can find my music at